Monday, 10 February 2014

Falling off the horse while riding took away all my doubt :)

dah jatuh tu bangun cecepat ‘’Eh takde apa lah , okay je ,licin betul lah kulit kuda ni !! bahaya kuda ni jangan kasik orang lain naik. bahaya *buat muka *


One day , I made a plan since my semester break is so long that  I had more sleep than I need ! (oppss !)
So I called a friend working at the stable to set a day where I could go and play with the horses. Believe me when I say it has been ages since I last rode a horse ! now , im like a beginner doing this horse-riding stuff. I was forgetting on how to mount off the horse and so many more ! I even forgot how it feels like to actually ride a horse.

On 6th , February , I picked up my girls and went to the stable to meet the horses.  We were there as early  as 9am . First we watched the workers grooming the horses and then we went to the stable and met the horses ! I was very fond of Moon Shadow ( He was the stallion I rode on) <3  Horse is not just an animal , they got feelings too ! They do understand human . For that particular reason, we don’t call the horse by ‘’it’’ . We called them by names .

Moon Shadow is a mighty stallion ! He’s white all over with some spots on his nose and he has long tail looking exactly like a girl’s pony tailed- hair but the tail isn’t smooth like our hair. Well I wonder will the tail be as smooth as our hair if we put on some hair conditioner on the tail ? I guess maybe the workers didn’t think of it since they are all male workers . Well you know how boys don’t always gets our relationship with hair conditioner ! HAHA

Moon Shadow, Hikmah, Eizyan and I

Sebelum jumpa Moon Shadow , I jumpa Silver Barro dulu . Silver ni lagi besar dari Moon Shadow . Silver kena marah dengan penjaga kuda dekat situ sebab dia garu garu ekor dia dekat pagar kandang dia . Penjaga kuda tu marah dia lepas tu bila I tanya kenapa marah dia , that worker explained yang ekor kuda took up almost 5 years nak tumbuh panjang macam tu . kesian tengok muka Silver kena marah . Cuba imagine tengok muka kuda monyok . CUTENESS OVERLOAD !!!

Lepas tu , the horse-riding sessions begun ! Naseb baik masa nak mount on Moon tu dia duduk diam je . My friend , Hikmah masa nak naik tu , kuda dia berjalan jalan . HAHAHAHAHA . kelakar nya ya ampun ! Dah kuda tu berjalan kan , kena lah panggil datang dekat dia balik .Shafiqa masa naik macam takut takut sikit. Masa nak turun dia okay :)

Masa semua atas kuda , macam macam gaya lah kiteorang ni .Mama ada juga masa pegang pegang kuda tapi she needed to go to her office, ada meeting . Ibu Shafiqa pun ikut kiteorang juga tapi Ibu tak naik Kuda . Ibu dari jauh jerit ‘’Amboii Shaz tu macam cowboy dah gaya dia ! HAHA’’ . I pun pandang belakang lah jerit balik sebab kuda dah jauh jalan masa tu ‘’ Ibu , cepat carikan topi cowboy wild wild west tu!!! Hahaha ‘’ . Dari jauh Nampak gigi Ibu je lah (agaknya tengah gelak la tuh kaannn )

Okay yang ni , masa nak mount off kuda tu semua kan , Hikmah dengan Shafiqa turun cool gila macam pro lah kan turun smooth je peeeweeitt!!!! . This was where I fell off the horse = =’

Apalagi kena gelak lah ! workers dekat situ , Ibu ,Shafiqa , Hikmah semua gelak . TIADA SEORANG PUN DATANG TO HELP ME UP . kalau aku paham bahasa kuda , si Moon Shadow tu pun dah terbahak bahak dah aku rasa tuh . Padahal , among kami bertiga kan , I AM THE TALLEST GIRL . Sedih sikit je, habes paser masuk kasut,masuk mulut tapi tak masuk mata sebab kejam mata kuat kuat :’) jatuh bokkkkk TERBARING sebelah kaki Moon :’) Tak ingat kenapa jatuhhhhh…..okayy dah ingat ! sebab orang lain turun baik baik , I thought sebab I tinggi kan , so boleh lah terjun je terus dari atas ke bawah . I terjun lah yang memang macam nak terjun tebing tuh .gedebikkkkkk !! dah jatuh tu bangun cecepat ‘’Eh takde apa lah , okay je ,licin betul lah kulit kuda ni !! bahaya kuda ni jangan kasik orang lain naik. bahaya *buat muka ‘’


Ibu : Sakit tak tu Shaz ?!

Sakit ? Tak sakit okay je !! errrrr.. belum lagi sakitnya datang . terkejut tak habes lagi ni

on the way balik tu , back pain dia menyerang walaweyhhhhhhh rasa macam okayyyyyyyyyyy  :')

but after all , falling off the horse while riding took away all my doubt about falling itself ! :)


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